发布时间:2025-03-01 21:45:34 编辑:董绍震 来源:
导读 Mutexes and Events are both synchronization primitives used in programming, especially when dealing with multi-thr

Mutexes and Events are both synchronization primitives used in programming, especially when dealing with multi-threaded applications. However, they serve different purposes and have distinct characteristics. Let's dive into the differences! 🚀

.Mutex (CREATEMUTEX) is like a gatekeeper for shared resources. When a thread needs to access a resource that's being used by another thread, it waits at the mutex until the other thread releases it. It ensures that only one thread can access the resource at any given time. Mutexes are particularly useful when you need to protect data from being accessed simultaneously by multiple threads. 🛑

.Event (CREATEEVENT) on the other hand, acts more like a flag or a signal. Threads can wait for an event to be set or reset. When an event is set, waiting threads are released and can proceed with their tasks. This mechanism is often used for signaling between threads, where one thread signals the completion of a task, and another thread waits for this signal before continuing. 🚦

Understanding these differences will help you choose the right synchronization primitive for your application. Happy coding! 🎉

MutexVsEvent SynchronizationPrimitives ThreadSafety
